How long do canaries live?

Despite their relatively small size, these birds have an average lifespan of about 12 years. This means that they have a similar life expectancy as cats and dogs.

  1. Canaries lifespan
    1. How long do canaries live in the wild?
    2. How long do canaries live in captivity?
    3. Gender of the canaries and their lifespan
    4. Care of the canaries
  2. Where do canaries live?
  3. What do canaries eat?
  4. How much do canaries measure?
  5. How much do canaries weigh?
  6. Curiosities about canaries

Canaries lifespan

There are many people who are wondering how long do canaries live. This is quite natural because they want to enjoy the company of this magnificent bird as much as they can.

How long do canaries live in the wild?

About 4-6 years.

How long do canaries live in captivity?

About 8-14 years. Needless to say, this is an average lifespan and their lifespan depends on a few factors which can make them live longer or shorter.

Gender of the canaries and their lifespan

To start with, the gender plays a significant role. Namely, male canaries, which by the way are much better singers, also live longer. On the other hand, if the female canary is not bred, it might live as long as male canaries. However, if it was bred on a regular basis she will probably live 6-7 years.

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Care of the canaries

Just like in the case of other animals or humans, taking proper care of your canary bird pet can extend its lifespan.

Put your canary pet in a large cage, so it can fly around without any problems. This means that it will have some room to exercise which is obviously good for its health. The minimum standard for cages is 10’’ high and 17’’ long.

Even though canaries like sunlight they should not be exposed directly to sunlight because they can get ill from too much heat. It is also a good idea to take good care of their diet and make sure that they have access to fresh water all the time.

The canaries are not hostile and they can live together with other birds in the same cage. However, if you want to extend their lifespan, you should not mix them with other birds especially not with parakeets. Unlike canaries, other birds may show signs of aggression and create a stressful environment in the cage which won’t benefit anyone.

How long do canaries live?

Contrary to popular belief, free flight won’t contribute to increased life expectancy. Of course, feel free to allow them a free flight from time to time, but don’t forget to cover mirrors and windows because canaries might hurt themselves.

The canaries are great birds and excellent pets and their life expectancy is relatively long.

Where do canaries live?

In the wild, canaries are found in the Canary Islands, Azores, Madeira and other species in South Africa. Canaries usually live in semi-open areas such as groves and orchards. These birds build their nests in the branches of shrubs and trees.

What do canaries eat?

Canaries eat birdseed, vegetables, some insects, fruits...

How much do canaries measure?

7.8-9 inches wingspan.

How much do canaries weigh?

The weight of the canaries is between 0.5 and 0.7 ounces.

Curiosities about canaries

Canary birds, or simply canaries, are one of the most popular varieties of birds today. Known for their interesting singing and their distinctive bright color, these birds can make any home livelier and happier.

How long do canaries live?

As the name suggests, canaries originate from the Canary Islands in Spain (an archipelago located close to the southern coast of Morocco). Due to their beauty and singing talent, the canary birds quickly became a real hit around the globe.

The canaries are kept as pet birds for many centuries and it seems that their popularity has never decreased. People who are first-time bird owners should definitely choose canaries because these birds are known for their willingness to learn new things. However, just like any bird, canaries require a certain level of care.

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