How long do tigers live?

Tigers are one of the most elegant big cats. Their lifespan is between 10 and 20 years.

  1. Tigers life span
    1. How long do tigers live in the wild?
    2. How long do tigers live in captivity?
    3. Types of tigers and lifespan
  2. Where do tigers live?
  3. What do tigers eat?
  4. How much do tigers measure?
  5. How much do tigers weigh?
  6. Tigers reproduction and life cycle
  7. Curiosities and facts about tigers
    1. Tigers colors
    2. Threatened animal specie

Tigers life span

How long do tigers live in the wild?

Tigers live around 10 and 15 years. Young cubs usually do not live long, and many of them die within 2 years after they get born. Mortality is a big problem, so only half of those that survive live to establish their territory and further reproduce.

How long do tigers live in captivity?

When it comes to life expectancy, tigers live around 20 to 26 years in captivity. Siberian tigers live between 10 to 15 years in the wild, but in captivity they can live up to 22 years on average.

Types of tigers and lifespan

Tigers are in the group of big Asian cats. There are 9 different subspecies of tigers, and 3 of them are extinct. The still present species are:

  • Amur tiger: 10 to 15 years in the wild and around 22 years in captivity.
  • Bengal tiger: 8 to 10 years in the wild and around 18 years in captivity.
  • Sumatran tiger: 12 years in the wild and 20 years in captivity.
  • Indochinese tiger: 15 to 26 years.
  • Malayan tiger: 15 to 20 years.
  • South China tiger: 15 years in the wild and 20 years in captivity.

Bali tiger, Caspian tiger and Java tiger are extinct.

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Where do tigers live?

Tigers can be seen living in lots of different habitats: grasslands, rainforests, savannas, and even the wet swampy lands.

How long do tigers live?

Tigers live solitary lives. They roam very large areas and primarily search for food. They are not patrolling their range, but they mark the territory with their urine over several days or weeks to warn other tigers that that is their space of living.

What do tigers eat?

Tigers are obviously carnivorous animals. They mainly eat antelopes, wild pigs, water buffalos and deer. They also attack hares, monkeys, sloth bears and pythons. Tigers usually do not attack people unless threatened or if they had been previously injured.

Tigers are very strong animals and they used their heavy bodies to knock out their prey before biting them. Interesting fact is that tigers are very good swimmers and they can also attack and kill while swimming.

How much do tigers measure?

Males vary in total length from 8.2 to 12.8 ft. Females vary in total length from 6.56 to 9.02 ft. The heaviest wild tiger ever reported had a total body length of 11.1 ft. At the shoulder, tigers vary from 2.3 to 4.0 ft.

How much do tigers weigh?

Their weight varies, but their average weight goes up to around 661 pounds. Sumatran tiger is the smallest of all subspecies and it weighs around 330 pounds. In all tiger subspecies, male tigers are heavier than female tigers.

Tigers reproduction and life cycle

Tigers usually go separate ways except when they go mating. After they are finished waiting they go separate ways. Female tigers look for dens where they give birth to cubs.

Tigers lifespan

Giving birth usually happens 16 weeks after mating. Tiger cubs are blind at birth and the mother tiger breastfeeds them for 2 months before they start going outside together with their mother. Female tigers usually give birth to 3 or 4 cubs at a time.

Curiosities and facts about tigers

Tigers colors

Every tiger has unique and interesting color pattern on their bodies. Many people admire them for their beautiful orange and black coats with white whiskers. This also serves another purpose of camouflage when the tiger hunts or hides in the shadows of the long grass.

Threatened animal specie

Although they are amazing large cats, they became very vulnerable to extinction. Today there are just a few thousand wild tigers that roam through the savannas and forests. They are hunted for their parts and their beautiful skin, and lose their natural habitat every day.

However, there is only ten percent left of all tiger population that lived on Earth some hundreds years ago. The main cause for their extinction is the human activity. By saving tigers people also save forests, because forests are considered vital for their health.

  1. cyrus says:

    Caspian Tigers are extinct. let`s make a team and try for find one or more alive, and save them.

    1. How Long Do Animals Live says:

      Yes, you're right. Thanks!

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